Spring Mowing Tips For Hustler® Mowers

Jan. 29 2020 Miscellaneous By ___

Now that winter is nearing its end, the snow has begun to thaw and it’s about time to bring your Hustler lawn mower out of storage to give your grass a good trimming. But first, you’re going to need to get your lawn ready for mowing, since the harsh winter has likely taken a toll. You’ll also want to make sure that your mower is ready to go after months in storage so that you don’t do damage to it by trying to operate it without giving it a tune up.

Flieg's Equipment, with locations in Ste. Genevieve and Leadington, is your Missouri Hustler mower dealer, so we’ve provided some quick tips on how to get the most out of your Hustler lawn mower this spring.

Clear Away Debris

Your lawn likely has a covering of debris on it after the fall and winter. This could be fallen branches, dry leaves, leftover tools and dead plants and other organic matter. Clear away everything that will get in your way while mowing, including any rocks that could get caught in your mower. Your lawn will be easier to maintain when it’s cleaned up and it will also be more likely to absorb nutrients from treatments later.

Add Treatments

To bring your grass back to its lush and verdant glory, you’ll want to add some nutrients to it. Fertilizers are great for promoting growth. Weed-killers or pesticides may be necessary to prevent damage from invasive plants and bugs that can chew up your grass.

You should also take the time to fill in any bare patches with fresh grass seeds, which you’ll need to water on a daily basis until they grow tall enough to cut. Mow only after the grass is at least two inches high, and add more fertilizer after your first mowing to promote more growth.

Ready Your Mower

Now it’s time to give your Hustler mower some attention after it’s gathered dust in storage. Performing maintenance on your mower now will save you some real headaches later. Hopefully, you already did some of this upkeep before putting your lawn mower in storage, but just in case you didn’t, here is what we recommend you do now: 

  • Clean the undercarriage of any debris and dried grass.
  • Sharpen your mower blades so they can cut more efficiently.
  • Inspect all moving parts to ensure they function correctly.
  • For riding mowers, change the oil and fill the fuel tank with fresh gasoline.

Cut Your Grass

When your blades of grass have grown to a height of about three inches, it’s a good time to cut your lawn. If you cut it while it’s too short, you could rip the blades out by the root and damage your lawn. But if you wait until the grass is too long, it could catch in your mower and be more difficult to cut evenly. You’ll want to remove about a third of the blade, which would be an inch in this case.

Allow your mower to warm up in the sun for about an hour before you use it to make it easier to start up. Cut your grass in a pattern, going back and forth in rows to make sure it’s even. You’ll need to mow your lawn approximately every five days for the first month and a half of spring to prevent overgrowth.

In search of a great mower this spring? Come on down to one of our Missouri locations in Ste. Genevieve or Leadington today to check out our full stock of new and used Hustler mowers for sale. Talk to our staff about price quotes and financing options, too. Flieg’s Equipment has been family-owned and family-operated for over 50 years, and we’re proud to serve our Show-Me State customers in the cities of Farmington and Park Hills, Missouri.